London, September 2016 – innovation touches so lots of areas of our domestic lives. houses are ending up being automated, as well as progressively filled to the brim with intelligent appliances. When we’re away, we screen them with wise cameras, linked alarm systems as well as other sensors. We back up treasured photos, music collections […]
UniPI Innovation er en liten tsjekkisk-basert virksomhet som skaper den modulære nevronen PLC. De forklarer modulen sin som … … En produktserie av PLC (programmerbare logikkkontroller) enheter utvikler seg for å være universelle så vel som brukt i både kloke hus så vel som selskapsapplikasjoner så vel som automatiseringssystemer. Det gjør det mulig å lokalt […]
skuespiller Shay Mitchell ble født i Mississauga, Ontario, men dømt etter hagen hennes, er hun helt hjemme hos California utenfor bosatt. Finest forstått for å spille Emily Fields i ganske løgnere, og Shay fikk henne utenfor området redesignet av Donna Garlough for Allmodern, søskenstedet til Her er en oversikt over nøyaktig hvordan paret spikret […]
fikk nettopp dette fra la oss automatisere … “, Storbritannias største netthusautomatiseringsdistributør, er stolte av å være leverandør for Iautomate Homeseer -kompatible RFID -produkter, så vel som lager har dukket opp og er forberedt på å sende. La oss automatisere RFID -seksjonen Ønsker mer? – Følg oss på Twitter, som oss på Facebook, eller registrer […]
Loxone har avslørt de nåværende tilleggene til deres smarte hjem, den nye Touch Nightlight og Touch & Grill Air. Berør nattlys Denne enheten kombinerer funksjonene til en vekkerklokke, en digital skjerm, et fargeskiftende nattlys og en touch rent smarthusbryter. Touch Nightlight er bygget rundt Loxone Air Technology, så trenger ikke en datakabel, bare en USB […]
rich colour in a high-gloss finish. Crown moulding provides this area a traditional look, while silver wallpaper on the ceiling shows light. Homeowner Victoria Webster had the walls of her dining space professionally painted in a high-gloss orange paint. It took 12 coats of paint as well as two coats of glaze to accomplish the […]
All building work stopped on the 24th March, due to the Covid-19 lockdown, but there’s still some things we can be getting on with, especially around plans for the electrical 2nd fix. Wall Mounted iPad I don’t think wall mounted touch screens are the way many of us would really choose to control our homes […]
the current Deco P9 whole house hybrid fit together Wi-Fi System was introduced at IFA this year as well as TP-Link asked us if we’d like to try one out. In a delighted coincidence a buddy was in dire requirement of improving his wireless network, so it was a fantastic chance to test this new […]
submitted by Simon McCaughey – The idea of the Showcenter is to make media files stored on your PC available for use on your TV in the living room. I don’t have (and can’t get) broadband, so my selection of media is limited to a few ripped DVDs, loads of MP3’s, and about 1000 photos. […]
energy storage is becoming more and more interesting to smart home owners and we recently spotted this write up of a Tesla Powerwall 2 installation on Michael Vorstermans Blog. A great account of the practicalities of installing the domestic battery, how it functions and the finances behind it. read on for all the details…. Late last […]